Missing Amundsen photo turns up in Yellowknife museum

Here’s the “final answer” as reported in The Gazette. . . . By KEN MCGOOGAN A Yellowknife heritage centre holds the final answer to questions raised by the opening of an Arctic “mystery box” excavated from a cairn in Gjoa Haven, Nunavut. The wooden box, according to those who opened it Friday in Ottawa, contained…

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No Franklin, no Amundsen: Why the delay?

So the box contains no Franklin items. For that I was ready. But nothing related to Roald Amundsen? That was a surprise. But then my old friend Louie Kamookak clarified for me.  He was one of the two men with whom I once placed a plaque on the coast of Boothia Peninsula to honour the…

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Our “mystery box” goes national . . .

Click on the above title and look to the right to see how our mystery-box story looked when it turned up on The National . . . All that’s left is the Great Reveal, which should happen around Sept. 29 . . . VIDEO: 3:06 * Franklin Expedition box unearthed An Inuit family says a…

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