The days fly away like wild horses over the hills

  The days fly away like wild horses over the hills. The poet Charles Bukowski said it first. But I’ve been feeling it as I get set to spend a week as writer-in-residence in Calgary. I’ll be at Mount Royal University from March 23 through March 27, courtesy of the English Department. For my public…

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Saying goodbye to my friend Victor Ramraj

Earlier this month at King’s College in Nova Scotia, one of my grad-student writers, a woman who had spent some years in Kenya, pointed to a passage in one of my Arctic books and said: “Did you study postcolonial theory?” I took a beat and said, “No, but you’re right. The influence is there. My…

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Our Hero regrets omitting Mordecai Richler

–> I omitted Mordecai Richler from 50 Canadians Who Changed the World. Now I am sorry. I realize that I was wrong.  At a recent promotional event, someone asked me, “Have you discovered any omissions during this trip across Canada? Anyone you feel you should have included but did not?” At the time, I said…

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