The Tribe Invites You to Party at the Toronto Public Library

It did not officially launch the annual general meeting of The Writers’ Union of Canada (TWUC). But last night’s Toronto event, a literary cabaret mounted by the Creative Nonfiction Collective, drew a star-studded, standing-room-only crowd to Harbord House. This preliminary event left no doubt whatsoever:  The Tribe is gathering in force at the Centre of…

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How the Scots hit the New Year running . . .

Monday, Jan. 24: With Robbie Burns Day looming, Our Hero chats about Scots with Sheila Rogers on The Next Chapter, CBC One, 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 8: Toronto Reference Library. 1-3 p.m Saturday, Feb. 12: Winnipeg, Manitoba Historical Society. Featured speaker, 46th annual Sir John A. Macdonald dinner. Thursday, Feb. 17. Markham. U of T…

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No rest for the wicked

Back from sailing in the Northwest Passage, our hero shifts into high gear. . . . Monday, Oct. 19, 1 p.m., lectures at LIFE in Association with Ryerson University on the history and geography of the Arctic. Wednesday, Oct. 21, 6:30 p.m., reads and entertains in The EH List Author Series at the Toronto Public…

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