Your PLR cheque & bravo a l’UNEQ

Yes, your PLR cheque is in the mail!

That is so, anyway, as of Wednesday, Feb. 15.

This year, the Public Lending Right Commission is distributing $9.9 million among almost 18,000 Canadian writers for the use of their books through public libraries. I’ve just returned from Montreal, where UNEQ — the Union des ecrivaines et des ecrivains Quebecois — mounted a fabulous event to close a year-long celebration of the 25th anniversary of PLR (which is known in those parts as DPP / Droit de Pret Public). With the backing of the Canada Council, a variety of organizations came together at the spectacular edifice known as la Grande Bibliotheque to present what was essentially a highbrow variety show celebrating L’ecrivain dans la biliotheque. Leading writers and intellectuals joined forces with musical theatre folk to create a unique event highlighted by a revolving, three-person reading of passages and poems written by fifteen different writers. For me, it evoked l’esprit du Quebec. As chair of the PLRC, all I can say is merci . . . and BRAVO!

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