Time for a Confederation of Canadian Writers?

What we need here in Canada is a Confederation of Canadian Writers.This is not my idea, but I like it. Merilyn Simonds, chair
of the The Writers’ Union of Canada, has been marking TWUC’s 40th anniversary
by meeting union members across the country. In Toronto the other night, she
mentioned that Calgary authors have voiced the idea of “one big union” comprising
writers’ groups. I’m calling it a Confederation.

Why do we need it? Because there are any number of issues
that effect not just book writers, like those represented by TWUC, but
freelance writers of all kinds. And in Ottawa, nobody is listening. They can’t
hear us.

Writers used to be able to spread their taxable income over
a period of years. That is long gone and should be brought back. In the House
of Commons recently, a private member’s bill to make a certain amount of royalty
income tax free — something the province of Quebec already does — went down in
flames. Look at copyright legislation. Look at freelance rates. Nobody wants to
pay the writer. On almost every issue, writers are getting killed.

Maybe if we spoke in one loud, clear voice, we could make
things change.

Think about it. Every year, more than 17,000 writers receive
cheques from the Public Lending Right Commission — and those are just authors
who have published books. How many writers produce other kinds of works: plays,
filmscripts, travel articles, ebooks, make your own list.

Maybe it’s time for a Confederation? The Writers’ Union of
Canada. The Canadian Authors’ Association. The Canadian
Association of Journalists
. The union des ecrivaines et ecrivains
quebecois. Crime Writers of Canada. The League of Canadian Poets. The
Playwrights’ Guild of Canada. The Professional Writers’ Association of Canada.
The Writers’ Guild of Canada. This list is not exhaustive. Add your own names.

Think about it. The Federation of
B.C. Writers. The Alberta Writers’ Guild. The Quebec Writers’ Federation. The
Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild. The Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia. The
Manitoba Writers’ Guild. You get the idea. At a wild guess, the writers’ groups
and organizations across this country must represent at least 40,000 or 50,000
writers. What if we could channel that concentrated energy through a single,
articulate entity — a Confederation.

Could we make a difference? If you think so, spread the word: Confederation.

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