Circling Calgary with John Rae on board

Those who check this page religiously (hi, mom) will have noticed that Our Hero “updated” his last posting, taking out a reference to venue. Yes, the Scots are still marching to Calgary and we’re on our way, too. Originally, to give our talk about explorer John Rae, called Return to Rae Strait, we were making for the downtown Calgary Public Library. Unfortunately, during the recent flooding, that Library sustained some damage. It’s being repaired, but is closed until further notice. So the organizers of our event, leaders of the dauntless Clan MacRae, are working diligently at locating another venue, complete with comfortable seats, sound system, projector, and screen. We’re on our way and all systems go, but the venue is yet to be determined. Please stay tuned. As for the accompanying photo, it’s from our 1999 expedition to the Arctic site where John Rae discovered the final link in the Northwest Passage.

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