Legendary Different Drummer plays host to 50 Canadians

This morning took us out to Burlington to talk about 50 Canadians in the Different Drummer Book & Author Series. Would you believe that this series has been running since 1975? It may well be the oldest bookstore-based reading-talking-and-seriously-buying series in Canada. The only contender I can think of

is the Books-and-Breakfast series operated by Paragraphe Books in Montreal. This morning, my fellow authors were David Macfarlane and Rachel Joyce, and a fine trio we made. The tables were piled high with our books. We must have addressed an audience of nigh unto 300. What happens is that people subscribe to the literary series in advance, the way they might to a theatre

 season. Today’s event was the last in the autumn run, which included three mornings and  nine authors. Afterwards, Cogeco television interviewed each of the authors. Gotta love that community involvement. A Different Drummer is legendary among Canadian independents, and this morning, we could see why.

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