Say Goodbye to John Steinbeck



FREEDOM TO READ WEEK: (Feb. 23 to March 1)

Say Goodbye to John Steinbeck?

Back in the day, when I was writing
songs and fronting a band (Ken McGoogan & the Immoral Minority), an
elected government official began lobbying to ban Of Mice and Men from schools. He stood up in the legislature and brandished a petition. Having grown up reading Steinbeck —  along with Hemingway, London, Wolfe, and Fitzgerald, thanks to my father — I did not take kindly to this. In fact, it brought out the Satirical Ken in me. But you’ll see what I mean if you give a listen to Say Goodbye to John Steinbeck. . . . . . . I read a book last Friday for the first time in seventeen years. . . .

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