Our Hero battles federal election AND the world’s indifference

Here we see Our Hero atop Spy Hill in Westport, Ontario.

This is the morning after he had wonderful fun participating in the Westport Writers’ Festival. Our Guy looks to be leading a charge. Truth to tell, he sees himself as engaged in a two-front war. The first front is the usual one any writer faces: the world’s indifference to the new book — in this case, Celtic Lightning. The second is an accident of timing: the federal election is taking up soooo much time and attention. Surely we all know what has to be done? Even so, the battle goes well. The ground war, which involves readings, presentations, talks, and signings, has found me skirmishing in Toronto, Westport, Calgary and Winnipeg, with Fort Erie, Cambridge, Montreal, Halifax, and Hamilton looming in the near future. The air war is all about media, of course, and here we want shock and awe. Are we getting it?

Well, the Global TV Morning show scored a palpable hit. But probably the biggest bang came from that wonderful five-star review in the Globe and Mail, the headline of which said the book offers “an engagingly personal look at how the Celts shaped Canada.” Two more notable strikes? What about that Q&A in the Vancouver Sun, in which we credit the “influence of Scotland, Ireland for what makes Canada.” And let’s not forget Celtic Life International, which got out early with another excellent Q&A. Bottom line? Party on!

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