Sailing into the Northwest Passage in 2016. Are we excited yet?

This particular voyage is going to sell out, make no mistake. So for those interested in Arctic exploration, this is a heads-up. Adventure Canada’s voyage Into the Northwest Passage 2016 is going to be special — not because Sheena and I will be aboard (though we will), and not because we will visit Beechey Island, probably the most famous historical site in the High Arctic (though we will). It is special because our Inuit culturalists will include Susan Aglukark, the Juno-winning singer-songwriter, and my old friend Tagak Curley, the Inuk statesman who stars in Passage, the docudrama based on Fatal Passage. It is special, as well, because we are making for Winter Harbour on Melville Island . . . where explorer William Edward Parry spent the winter during his spectacular 1819-20 voyage into the Northwest Passage. Yes, we have tried to reach that site before . . . and been prevented by ice. That may happen again. But given El Nino, I have a good feeling about this year. The world won’t end if we don’t get there. But if we do . . . just think: Parry’s Rock! So: if you’re interested or have questions, contact Adventure Canada or drop me an email. August 26 to Sept. 11 . . . gonna be a voyage!


  1. Denis St-Onge on February 1, 2022 at 5:17 pm

    Great blog Ken, wish I could still be part of it, give Susan Aglukark a big hug for me, she is one of my most favourite singer and, don't tell but I use one of her songs in a PP on The Beauty of the Tundra.

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