Searching for Franklin Makes Eleven

Eleven research-based nonfiction books, that is. All of which take a creative-nonfiction approach to history. This makes me a subversive, I know. Academic purists should steel themselves for a little razzle-dazzle. Think Richard Gere doing his big number in the movie Chicago.

Fact is, I am trying to drag History out of the university, where it appears to be dying a slow, painful death. Tell me I’m wrong!

Meanwhile, look, we have settled on a subtitle.  New Answers to the Great Arctic Mystery. Don’t you love it? You will see other variations floating around. Be not dismayed. Go with the flow, as we used to say.

Now, look southwest. I am gearing  up to give slideshow presentations and here we have a table of contents. If you want to catch me in action and have a place to do it in, drop me a line.

The book surfaces on October 7 — though I will turn up at the Eden Mills Festival, apparently with books, on September 10. Go figure. Then, on October 10, I will be part of a splashy event hosted by Different Drummer Books in Burlington. Stay tuned for details on that and more.

If you have read this far, or even if you have just skipped down here to near the bottom, you can pre-order this “big Franklin book,” number eleven on my nonfiction list, from Amazon or from Indigo-Chapters or from your favorite independent bookseller. You know what they say: just do it!


Ken and Louie Kamookak

Ken and Louie Kamookak in 1998


  1. Vivian Oke on August 15, 2023 at 7:47 am

    How refreshing to read that history is being given a slightly difference slant without losing the essence. I will order my first book with high hopes.

    • Ken McGoogan on August 15, 2023 at 9:18 am

      Great, Vivian. Thanks. You may be interested to see that of the two heroic figures in the book, one is a Dene leader named Akaitcho, the other a Metis (Dene-French Canadian) named Pierre St. Germain.

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