Big Franklin Book attains the First Ocean

Faithful readers are joyfully aware that we have embarked on a year-long, three-ocean celebration. What? But surely you have heard of the Adventure-Canada, Searching-for-Franklin, Three-Ocean, Book-Tour Extravaganza? Which will last until next September, when the Big Franklin Book will turn up at a yet-to-be-determined location in the Arctic Ocean.

We’ll be sailing, Sheena and I, Into the Northwest Passage with Adventure Canada. Maybe you’ll be the one to win a voucher worth $5,000 USD to join us:

But I digress. As you can see in the image above, which Sheena shot in Vancouver (English Bay), Searching for Franklin has reached the Pacific Ocean. I’ll keep the next When a surprise, but the Where, you can be certain, will be the Atlantic Ocean. Stay tuned!




  1. Don M on October 30, 2023 at 12:08 am

    The link doesn’t seem to be working for me Ken….

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