The Devil made me jive with Margaret Atwood

The Devil made me do it. I knew it was wrong. I knew I had no business inviting an iconic Canadian writer out onto the dance floor. I knew people would hate me for it. Who did I think I was? But a little voice told me to go ahead and ask her to dance.…

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A younger male writer crosses swords with Margaret Atwood

Over on Twitter, I find myself arguing with Margaret Atwood. When I mentioned that I am proud to be part of The Atwood Generation, she objected: “Now Ken. You are WAY younger than me!” Yes, I am younger. But future scholars will talk of The Atwood Generation of Canadian writers as comprising those born 15 or 20 years before or after the warrior…

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These awful Canadians spirited the 1960s into the 21st Century

The 1960s get a bum rap, here in 21st-century Canada. All those awful Boomers who came of age back then have destroyed the economy, the housing market, job prospects, let’s just say the whole shebang. But just imagine where we might be if the international “counter-culture” that emerged in the Sixties had never happened. With…

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Blast from the past (1985): Atwood talks about The Handmaid’s Tale

Wow, three decades and change: whoosh! Where did those 32 years go? Back in 1985, when Margaret Atwood published The Handmaid’s Tale, I interviewed her and wrote as follows. . . . then included the piece in Canada’s Undeclared War: Fighting Words from the Literary Trenches. Call it “a feminist 1984″ and Margaret Atwood won’t argue.…

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Getting excited to sail Out of the Northwest Passage

We’ve done eight or nine voyages with Adventure Canada, Sheena and I, but this year is shaping up to be special. First, sailing Out of the Northwest Passage is my favorite itinerary. As always, we’ll be sailing through exploration history: John Franklin, John Rae, Thomas Simpson, Roald Amundsen. But this year, traveling in September, we’ll…

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How 3 Canadians spirited the ’60s into the 21st century

Our Hero surfaces in the latest issue of Destinations drawing on what he learned while writing 50 Canadians Who Changed the World. The magazine, published by VIA Rail, turned up this delightful image of Leonard and Joni. And it makes intriguing mention of your chance to win a $5,000 travel credit with VIA Rail. I’ll…

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