Getting excited to sail Out of the Northwest Passage

We’ve done eight or nine voyages with Adventure Canada, Sheena and I, but this year is shaping up to be special. First, sailing Out of the Northwest Passage is my favorite itinerary. As always, we’ll be sailing through exploration history: John Franklin, John Rae, Thomas Simpson, Roald Amundsen. But this year, traveling in September, we’ll probably be on the water at the same time as the Erebus search expedition . . . and at one point, not all that far away. Apart from which, we will sail north into Smith Sound and Kane Basin . . . and then, heading south along Greenland, we’ll end up zodiac-winding among the most fantastical icebergs in the northern hemisphere.

Second, we’ve always enjoyed the Sea Adventurer (pictured above). But this year, we get a fancy new vessel called the Ocean Endeavour . . . and no fewer than twenty zodiacs! Multiple lounges . . . outdoor dining . . . and did someone whisper the words “hot tub?” Third, check out the resource staff.  Margaret Atwood, Freeman Patterson, James Raffan . . . and that’s just for starters. But see for yourself. This gang is aces, top to bottom. Believe me, that makes a difference. OK, this is my first-ever commercial for Adventure Canada and I won’t go on. If you’ve been hankering after the Arctic, check ’em out. Tell ’em Ken sent you.


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