Rob Ford turned me into a private eye

Rob Ford followed me to Ottawa. I thought I would escape him by coming here to do a book signing at Books on Beechwood. En route, I read about him in two newspapers, the Star and the Globe. Then I read about him in the latest issue of MacLean’s. That might have been the end…

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We Are Ford Nation . . .

OK, it’s far from polished. But I came across this little marching song on YouTube. It’s called WE ARE FORD NATION. The fourth and final verse runs: Never mind the video of Robbie smoking crack/ He says it does not exist, they stabbed him in the back/ We hear that they took his bong and…

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Straphanger: Our hero shares thoughts on Rob Ford and transit

REVIEWED BY KEN McGOOGAN From Saturday’s Globe and Mail / Published Friday, Apr. 20, 2012 4:00PM EDT A few years back, while travelling around Amsterdam, I was struck by the speed and efficiency of the light-rail transit system. Next streetcar: 1 minute 30 seconds. And there it was. In Singapore, the city that air conditioning…

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