Has anyone seen where Canada went?

Am I the only one who wonders where Canada went? A glance at the Books section in today’s Toronto Star prompts the question. Here we find 12 reviews: five long (maybe 600 words), two short (maybe 300), and five micro (say 35). And not one of the 12 treats anything related to Canada. Let’s not…

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Alice Munro, the Toronto Star, and the bookshop ghettos of Canadiana

We were moving in the same direction. Today’s lead editorial in the Toronto Star noted that “as Thomas Hardy did with Dorset, and William Faulkner did with Yoknapatawpha County, [Alice] Munro chronicled and mythologized her corner of southwestern Ontario.” In 50 Canadians Who Changed the World, coming next week, I put it this way:”When readers…

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The Toronto Star makes Our Hero tingle?

Folks have been clamouring for an update. Maybe start with the fabulous reviews in The Toronto Star and January Magazine. The two are radically different, but both made me blush and tingle. Cut to this afternoon and “The Willow” in Hudson, Quebec, where we talked and taped for two hours. This was in aid of…

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