Our Hero contends that the wicked need no rest

Wow! Just back from Nova Scotia. And, yes, I am reeling from an extraordinary couple of weeks at University of King’s College in Halifax, teaching in the new master’s program in Creative Nonfiction. All the best stuff has been placed under a Cone of Silence. But if you were not there, here’s the good news…

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Nova Scotia native overcomes a damaging revelation

Veteran author Harry Thurston capped a climactic literary evening at the Grad House in Halifax by reading from a memoir about losing a big, two-hearted river. The Nova Scotia native, who is slated, as vice-chair, to become chair of the Writers’ Union of Canada, gave a bravura performance, and so managed to overcome the damaging…

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Nova Scotia Literary Mafia Emerging from Shadows

First we had Stephen Kimber reading from What Lies Across the Water: The Real Story of the Cuban Five. Book due: this autumn. Tonight we had Dean Jobb (above) with Prince of Fraud, a book about a Gatsby-esque Ponzi artist who hid away in a dazzling mansion in the backwoods of Nova Scotia after defrauding…

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Ian Brown spins heartache into a dazzling tour de force

That’s what they call a tour de force. Wise, witty, modulated, informative, entertaining: take your pick. Or, no, put it this way: as a speaker, Ian Brown is in the same league as Stephen Lewis. We’re talking eloquence. Yes, I mean dazzling. Brown kicked off a lecture series called Journalism in the Public Square at…

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Best-Ever Writer’s T-Shirt Turns Up in Halifax

Author Marq De Villiers became the envy of a few dozen writers here in Halifax when he turned up to give a reading in a T-shirt that blared: “Ask me about my book.” De Villiers, whose stylish and multitudinous nonfiction books include the G-G-award-winning Water, said he first wore the T-shirt to a reading by…

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Ian Brown brings his Boy in the Moon to Halifax

Friday brings wunderkind Ian Brown to the MFA program in Creative Nonfiction. He’ll give a public reading here at the University of King’s College from his bestseller The Boy in the Moon. That event will be live-streamed at 7 p.m. Brown will also engage with students in the program. Meanwhile, mentoring writers Lorri Neilsen-Glenn, David…

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