Seeking unsolicited advice? ‘Don’t quit your day job’

Meanwhile, at University of Toronto . . . . Creative Writing, School Blog With his latest book, Celtic Lightning: How the Scots and the Irish Created a Canadian Nation, author (and instructor at the School) Ken McGoogan plunges into the perpetual debate about Canadian identity: Who do we think we are? He argues that the Celtic ancestors…

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Creative Nonfiction: University of Toronto takes it online

He’s back! In response to a raucous clamor for stand-alone treatment, the Dr. Jekyll in me has beat his way free to announce an online course in Creative Nonfiction. It’s called The Art of Fact: An Introduction to Writing Nonfiction, and it’s available through the University of Toronto. We launch one month from now on…

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Our Hero contends that the wicked need no rest

Wow! Just back from Nova Scotia. And, yes, I am reeling from an extraordinary couple of weeks at University of King’s College in Halifax, teaching in the new master’s program in Creative Nonfiction. All the best stuff has been placed under a Cone of Silence. But if you were not there, here’s the good news…

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Online writing through the New York Times

Anyone looking for an online writing course might want to check out The New York Times Knowledge Network, which is offering The Art of Fact: An Introduction to Writing Nonfiction: January 23 – March 30, 2012 Instructor: Ken McGoogan The hallmarks of Creative, Literary or Narrative Nonfiction are truth and personal presence. The genre includes…

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How the Scots hit the New Year running . . .

Monday, Jan. 24: With Robbie Burns Day looming, Our Hero chats about Scots with Sheila Rogers on The Next Chapter, CBC One, 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 8: Toronto Reference Library. 1-3 p.m Saturday, Feb. 12: Winnipeg, Manitoba Historical Society. Featured speaker, 46th annual Sir John A. Macdonald dinner. Thursday, Feb. 17. Markham. U of T…

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Excellence in Teaching Award

Much as I hate blowing my own horn, I do have to thank the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies for presenting me with an Excellence in Teaching Award. It sounds cynical, I know, but I’ve  always believed that these awards went to those who lobbied for them. So this one came as a…

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